Monday 27 April 2015

Choice of Trailer and Synopsis

Choice of trailer
The trailer for Francesca will be a highlights trailer. This type of trailer is used 90% of the time in real life. This is because it allows the producers to display all the best bits of their overall film in an effective way. Through quick montages; including slow and quick scenes, to present the narrative but keep it fast paced and exciting. This is shown in the trailers for Evil Dead (2013) and Pusher Trilogy (1996-2005), which always use slow to quick montages/ collision cutting to create a jump scare.

Synopsis (film)
   A young girl called Francesca was sexually abused by her father as a young teenager (14-15 years old). She continues to go to school and is picked on for being quiet and smart by the school boys. She later seeks revenge on her father and brutally kills him still at her young age.
   After this murder Francesca gets a thrill from the revenge she brought upon her father and continues this onto men that give unwanted sexual attention to her and other females.
   She does this by placing herself at pubs and night clubs in search of her next victim. One night she takes this too far and kills a married, decent man. This leaves the wife distraught and on a separate revenge mission to kill Francesca.
   At the end of the film Francesca is killed by the wife of the man she killed.

Synopsis (trailer)
   The opening shots to the trailer show Francesca’s father leaving a bedroom, doing his belt up, to delicately suggest sexual assault. It then continues to Francesca’s’ revenge on her father where she stabs him to death.
   The trailer then shows brief encounters with different men that have harassed her or other women, resulting in the death of the man. This is shown in alley ways, night clubs and a mystery ‘torture room’.
   Throughout the killings in the trailer, Francesca has frequent flash backs of what her father did to her, which is making her progressively emotionally unstable and causing her to self-harm and convince herself that she is bringing justice and helping the world. 
   The trailer ends with Francesca in a room with a man, who is struggling for his life and hints that he is going to be tortured.

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