Friday 24 April 2015

Fangoria magazine cover analysis


The masthead of the magazine uses typography well as it is bold and red which symbolises danger and blood. The ‘F’ and ‘A’ in the masthead have large fangs dropping down to connect to the image and represent the ‘Fang’ in Fangoria. The masthead is clearly trying to appeal to fans of gore. The cover photo is disturbing for the audience as the image directly addresses the audience with the profile/portrait shot. The distressed facial expression of the person photographed shows some sort of torment or anger is being kept within. This relates to ‘Martyrs’ narrative, which is about someone being tortured to the point of near-death to see “what is on the other side.” This is shown with the incisions in their shoulders and chest which could connote veins which are close to exploding. One of the person’s eyes is also glassed over which further illustrates the abnormality of the person. The grainy blue background adds to the unsettling feeling by the grittiness it contributes. The cover line to represent the film also directly addresses the audience through using the word ‘you’. The question of ‘Do you have the guts to watch?’ further challenges the reader and therefore would encourage them to watch the film. This has also used word play with ‘the guts to watch’ as the film clearly uses body horror as one of its main themes and conventions so they are also threatening the reader. The cover line ‘Death by orgasm’ would appeal to men and women by bringing in the connotations of sex and pleasure.

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