Tuesday 21 April 2015

Solo Trailer Review (1)

Name of Film: The Woman in Black
Genre of Trailer: Drama/ Horror/ Thriller
Year released: 2012
My Mark: 9/10

What happened in the trailer?
The trailer shows the house where the women in black lives and vaguely explains the plot by showing the village, near the house which is parted by marshes. The children in the village are scared and the parents are grieving or protecting their children. It also shows the life of the women in black before she dies and hints towards revenge and that something happened to her son.

Which positive, clever or interesting aspects do you think you could include in your own trailer? What generic features are fulfilled well?
The music at the beginning of the trailer is low and ghost like which builds tension, ready for the drama of the trailer to erupt. The song that then plays in trailer, said by a little girl relates to the story and explains the narration. The shots also change in time with the beat of the music, which correlates the trailer. This happens in the majority of the trailer but specifically when the town is being shown with the children and parents, this builds tension/suspense as it is at a casual pace, making you believe something is about to happen. The trailer doesn’t give much of the narration away but loosely explains who the woman in black is. There is also good use of collision cutting where the shots change in length, making the trailer more dramatic. This is seen in between the shots of the toys and horse and carriage where it cuts to a steady handheld shot which lasts longer than the quicker flashes of the toys.

Which aspects of the trailer did you think were unsuccessful and would put off its target audience? How is it disappointing?
The trailer turns silent at the end for some final credits which makes the audience feel like there will be a jump scare, however there isn’t which leaves the audience ‘hanging’. I think the trailer could be improved by a jump scare ending. There are also a lot of shots of musical ornaments and moving toys, although they are creepy and brilliant to relate to the woman in blacks house, I think a better variety of shots would hold its audience better.

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