Tuesday 21 April 2015

Class Trailer Review (2)

Name of Film: Day of the Dead
Genre of Trailer: Horror/ Mystery
Year released: 1985
My Mark: 5/10

What happened in the trailer?
The trailer soon reveals that film is about a ‘zombie apocalypse’ and about warning the world and explaining their instincts and actions to protect the remaining humans.

Which positive, clever or interesting aspects do you think you could include in your own trailer? What generic features are fulfilled well?
The storyline is made very clear in the trailer as the voice over and dialogue explains the narrative well. The zombies make up and effects are good and ‘realistic’. The trailer also links to the ‘day’ in the title of the film which also relates back to ‘night’ and ‘dawn’.

Which aspects of the trailer did you think were unsuccessful and would put off its target audience? How is it disappointing?
The trailer falsely advertises the film as it sells the film as comedic whereas the film is actually very gory and horrific but the trailer doesn’t show any body horror. The trailer is also very slow and doesn’t have an obvious change in pace and would be improved with a fast ending. The voice over explaining the plot is quite annoying and cheap.

What was the average score in class? Why did it receive that mark?
The average score was 4.5, this was because the trailer is slow and therefore gets boring and disinteresting. The voice over was also mutually disliked.

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