Friday 24 April 2015

Empire magazine cover analysis

The typography of the masthead is successful with catching the readers’ eye, as it is bold and bright red, which connotes danger. The danger is also portrayed in the nefarious facial expression of Hannibal and also the red eye, which increases the danger and symbolises his evil personality. The main tagline of the magazine connects to the film with ‘what’s cooking?’, which has speech marks either side, explaining that Hannibal asks this. His quote unsettles the readers and encourages them to watch the film to know what is cooking. This theme is then reinforced by ‘Catering for cannibals’ which indicates the narrative of the film. The tagline underneath uses the pun ‘Gore blimey!’ this would attract to a male audience, as body horror is a genre mostly enjoyed by men. The second bullet point down has the question ‘Are you a psycho?’, this directly addresses the audience and would encourage the reader to buy the magazine to find out. The cover photo is grainy which adds a rough look and texture to make the magazine grittier, which symbolises the grim themes within the film. Half of Hannibal’s face is in darkness to make the image more mysterious and make the audience fear Hannibal.

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